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Data Science 

& Software Engineering 

At 2pi IT Solutions GmbH, we create state of the art algorithms and software. Our experienced team provides customized solutions to meet your business needs. Click here to learn more about our services.

Innovating the tech industry alongside


Our Clients Say

Stefan Schäfges, CEO of digiblue GmbH

"Marius and his team at 2pi IT were extremely valuable in planning and implementing our scalable IoT infrastructure for temperature and energy management. Their professional support enabled reliable data processing and visualization, which brought our company to a new level."

Stefan Schäfges, CEO of digiblue GmbH

Our Services

Our Services

At 2pi IT Solutions, we offer a wide range of IT contracting services to help your business succeed. Our services include:

Software Development

We transform your unique business needs into scalable and flexible solutions, with customized software that enhances operational efficiency, drives innovation, and gives you a competitive edge.

Big Data Processing

Harness the power of big data with us as we help you process and analyze massive data sets swiftly and efficiently, providing valuable insights that empower you to make informed business decisions.

Predictive Analytics

Our predictive analytics services unlock the future for your business, employing sophisticated algorithms and models to anticipate market trends, customer behavior, and scenario outcomes.

Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence

Leverage the power of AI and machine learning with us, as we build intelligent systems that learn from data, automate processes, personalize experiences, and drive business growth.

Business Intelligence Dashboards

We turn your complex data into compelling visual narratives, making insights easy to understand and act upon, and fostering a data-driven culture within your organization.

Strategy Consulting

Our strategic consulting services bridge the gap between technology and business, helping you align IT initiatives with business goals, improve performance, and navigate digital transformation with confidence.

Scientific Computing meets Software Engineering

At 2pi IT, we share a passion for data and programming. Our small team consists of former scientists from the disciplines of computational physics, statistics and computer science. We specialize in the fields of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Cloud Computing, Business Intelligence and Big Data Processing. If you are looking for support on a software project, let's get in touch!

Ready to take your business to the next level?

Contact us today to learn how our IT contracting services can help your business succeed.

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